

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Insane Rantings of a Very Mentally Twisted Bitch (second batch of screenshots)

The lies and venom in the following screenshots prove how mentally ill this bitch is.

The fact is, nobody contacted her damned friends, not that Catshit has any. Someone did a follow-up on one of her many lies and Catshit was caught in another lie. The proof was now out of the bag and she was asked to not come back to that business. Catshit has of course gone on and on and on and on about how she merrily tells people that she has a "stalker" but the reality is, people know she's the actual stalker who loves to lie about people.
All of the shit she's done and caused. Got caught in lies about a cruise only to go on lying about people who knew by then what a filthy liar she is.

Let's point out some verified facts here. Yes let's.
Catshit used forging sites to send her attacks on a daily basis between the years 2004-2006. We're talking everyday here, now folks.
The detective visited Catshit's house because the police were notified about Catshit, people called the police on her! One lady even got a restraining order against Catshit.
Catshit has still got an enraged flaming butthurt over that.
Please note how she has run her "stalker" bit into the ground and do note how she's complaining that the police were called on her in this POST. That yahoo account is Catshit posting on that group. Complaining about having the police show up at her door and complaining that her myspace account was deleted. The account that she called "TracysDeadBody" while posting about how Tracy and others would die. That is Catshit wondering why they deleted her account!!! She's such a pathetic miserable all-those-names she goes around calling people!
Catshit is not a "big city girl" either. She's a pampered rich brat with severe mental illness living with her mother in a small town called Bloomfield Hills. The only dumb hick from the sticks is Catshit!
The detectives were the ones away for the holidays. Nobody ever said the police station itself was closed on holidays. That's Catshit distorting things again!
As a matter of fact in Detroit, the police don't even go into the city after dark. And the police station in Nacky's city is actually open 24 hours. Unlike the Bloomfield Hills PD. Why? Because it's bigger.
The crap about Hak5, another one of Catshit's stunts that she was caught red handed doing and then immediately spun herself into a lie about people posing as her. See previous blog. That was the best she could come up with. Lame.
As stated in the previous blog, nobody posed as her. Catshit did it herself and did actually ask hackers to destroy the private forum and Tina's forum too! Then threw in the bit about Paul because she wanted to read what the admin there was saying about her.
Then notice the part where she "removes the link" because of "privacy"!!! Bullshit. As if Catshit is worried about anyone's privacy. Catshit just didn't want people to see how easily proven it is that she's a liar.
BTW here is the LINK of the forum that was referred to.
The insane cunt that Catkick is even blamed "Nacy" for sending some message. The obsession Catshit has on this other lady is very disturbing. Catshit herself knows she's got multiple enemies but she keeps deluding herself that only one person can possibly send messages. The last message "Nacy" ever sent to that deranged bitch Kathryn O Catshit was in 2004 when she told her to never contact her or her group's members again after banning her ass. But Catshit has all these imaginary conversations with someone who has years ago kicked her out of her group and her life. Despite the fact that Catshit still stalks her.
Check out the part where Catshit claims she was going to "leave" that forum. It is a well known fact that Catshit never leaves anywhere. It takes a banning to actually get rid of her and even then that doesn't always work. Catshit was on Tina's forum and causing trouble there. Catshit was never published "multiple times" either. It's so obvious how she builds herself up like she's the world's most popular person. Getting a grip on reality is never going to happen with that attention whore. It was also during that time that Catshit threatened on another board (Macca's Fun House) that she would publish slanderous content against someone. Here you see proof that she did threaten such things as by her nasty words about Tina. That all one has to do is read her shit on that one paragraph there to know she only wanted to get other people to help her bash someone who banned her from their forum too.
And her story wasn't inspired, it was someone else's content that Catshit simply ripped off. That's how she got into PID was from someone who attended a couple of MOWFO meetings who just brought it up. This person doesn't even know her content was used by Catshit. It was just Catshit wanting into a forum thinking she was going to get popular there.
But they (PID) know the truth about her now.
Then Catshit goes off again about how she isn't a bully and continues to BULLY people who have no desire to ever see or hear from her again!
She bullies Anne about being bi-polar, she bullies Diane and calls her names and lies out her ass about some shit that never took place or greatly distorted.
Then she throws in some name; Scott, who was apparently the one who sent the message. I'm guessing the whole thing is made up. Or Scott is just another one of those people who had enough of her harassment and told her off. Don't see how that would connect the poor lady that is always being blamed for everything Catshit does, or gets her ass handed to her from.
Catshit rages herself into a frenzy about all these people she's a revealed psychopath in front of and then claims she doesn't care about them. Hrm strange that she has spent so much time posting about them and continually lies about them even to this day.
Nobody watches Catshit in anything either. Catshit makes a point to get herself seen with her underhanded tactics and minions who are her trolls-in-training.
The SCA thing is a laugh coming from Catshit. The SCA guy in question is Chris and he certainly won't be letting her anywhere near his house.
Meanwhile Nacky is welcome in several households in the SCA. She just doesn't visit the bible-studiers houses. Because they are strict church-goers and have no association with people who are not of their same faith. It happens. Nobody cares about what those SCA bible folks are doing and they're not getting very many visitors outside their church hub. BTW Catshit attacked them too when they wouldn't side in with her against Nacky. Catshit was banned from their groups and told Nacky all about what happened. So everyone is on the same page as far as "Misery" is concerned.
The FBI thing she adds to her post, as you can see by the screenshots that Catshit kept adding sickly shit to her post there, is even more hilarious. Catshit is offended someone actually contacted the FBI about her shit. Looks like Catshit's been doing some forging emails and desperately trying to pin it on her victims. Victims that she refers to as stalkers.
Needless to say, none of those people were contacted. It's a bunch of drama from the attention whoring drama queen herself.
And she has no real readers. She's revealed herself for what she is. Everyone has dropped her like the shitwad she is.
August 4th, 2011

August 4th again!
Catshit found another person to harass, this time a guy but the creepy slimebagged Catshit refers to him as a her. He's male and lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, as mentioned on his profile. He even shares his own experiences regarding the Crazy Catshit when she sends HIM a message and then has the gall to tell him to leave her alone!
Catshit just doesn't let up on her trying to involve any innocent into her drama and crap. Turns out Catshit stalked him too!
Catshit makes some dumbass remark about showing his supposed "letter" to the authorities! Yeah I'm sure they went and knocked down his door right away!
Oh FTR the crazy bitch noticed she was banned right away. One thing about Kathryn O...she never leaves any site. She has to be banned to be gotten rid of.
And her claims that the people she's attacking are just not important to her really doesn't make for truth when you see the long line of continuing posts trying to intimidate, bully, bullshit, advise and mindgame them like an obsessive mentally warped loser with a huge ax to grind.
Catshit and her "enjoying multiple fandoms" tantrum...yeah she sure enjoys stalking people and the celebrities thereof, but she was banned from those "multiple fandoms".

August 4th again!!
Incidently none of her posts here make any sense because it's all her same insane delusional bullshit. FTR; that person Star never put any tags on the other lady. The person in question was never ON digital spy and did ask to be left out of any dealings concerning Kathryn's minions. Like someone we know who thinks she's God's gift or something.
Again, nobody posed as that bitch on Hak5. And before her post was removed by Hak5 administrator Boris, she didn't post any threats against Paul (remember she thinks she's saving him) but what the post entailed was a copy and paste from an old post in another forum before her obsession with Paul began, and she edited it from what she said back then because she didn't want people to read her sorry excuses for why she was phone stalking people. Then she added the request that a private forum and PID be hacked! NOT Paul, but the other people. Then asked if they could read private messages within Paul's official site. THAT is what the post said. No threats were ever posted except against the people who have made their own forums.
And for someone who keeps claiming she doesn't care about what people are doing or saying, she sure devotes all her posts attacking them.
Check out all the nasty name-calling. That sociopathic Kathryn O'Connor at it again.

Oh look! August 4th AGAIN!
This time she's spun herself into insane-o world to the degree of steep psychosis!
It's kinda mind-numbing that this bitch is still calling people stalkers when here she is replying to all they say on her creepy journal showing she's obviously stalking their forums and blogs!
Please note that she herself says that she doesn't know who posted on Hak5, even though she had already posted previously that George Harrison told her it was supposed to have been Nacky. Please see screenshot in my previous blog. Thanks.
Also, not sure whose emotions she thinks she's stirring here. :/
She's certainly not stirring anyone's interest in Paul with her inane and gushing fannish nonsense.
Gothic Beauty was never thrown out of any BDSM group either. Catshit really did come onto someone's underaged son. Why? Because, as she herself put it, he looked like Dirk Benedict.
August 5th, 2011
Note to those who don't know: Catshit has a real hatred for Stella McCartney. You can pretty much figure out how insane and stupid her post is there.
And she thinks she writes better fics [sic]then everyone else. xD

August 5th again!
The bullshit here is seeping with oozy slime. Why is she still harping on PID members? No wonder they kicked her out! Holy shit!!
It's kinda hilarious seeing this psycho talk about other people's writing style, when hers is the worst and actually does use a lot of he said, she said. All of Catshit's fics are nothing more than long ass rambling sessions of her own talking to herself and believing that somehow Beatles members are listening. WTF?
Another well known fact is she never backs up what she lies so much about. But everyone else CAN back up what they say because Catshit leaves trails of shit everywhere.
There was also no other little group ragging on any fics in PID. That is another Catshit fabrication. See if she really posted anyone else's fics in other "Beatles writing groups", and she was able to get other people to help her slam something, she would have posted those links with those very comments in her gloating.
Instead she just made it all up.
Ergo; another transparent lie from the Batshit Kathryn O.
Funny though that she should be saying that a story shows true colors and something about foaming at the mouth...hmmm, because that's exactly how I'd describe her own fics and her constant out-of-the-blue attacks on random people.
And asking Lily about Gothic Beauty is a laugh! Since none of what she says about this person is even remotely true.
Gothic Beauty was never rejected by her husband. Never happened. What DID happen though was when Catshit went to one of those "sex parties" she stripped down to nothing and as you can imagine she grossed out everyone there. Catshit doesn't shave her armpits, her legs or even her skanky snatch. Catshit also doesn't bathe or shower very often. People saw the hair all up and down her thighs and wouldn't even touch her! That's what really happened. Catshit was asked to not be there and they kept her away. Catshit tried to join another BDSM group and started crap with them about being married or not married or whatever. She was banned from that community too.
Her promise of leaving people alone is another lie. In truth PID members weren't even talking about her and this was her attack on them for ignoring her.
Catshit also reported the "fic" that was posted there about her obsessive shit against them. It boils down to Catshit thought she was going to save Paul from the boogyman. They banned her for being a psycho stalker who stalks them now.
Oy. Another HUGE projection here. And yep. Catshit's still living in a fantasy world.

This is Catshit at one of the creepiest cunty stalking tactics she tries to pull off when her other methods of attack don't work. The Intimidation Tactic. My God, she is actually posting an imaginary conversation between her and this lady DeAnna's guides. O.O
Um, DeAnna's guides would advise DeAnna to block any energy from the Catshit One. Like immediately.
Catshit's twisted mindgame here was to try and scare DeAnna. But the result was far from fear. Catshit merely managed to make a total basketcase of herself and garner hysterical laughter from the intended target and her family and friends.
Another August 14th ranting insane rant...

LOL! She calls others creepy after posting a freak ass weirdo conversation involving DeAnna's spirit guides. O.O
The only drama being created here is by Cathsit herself.
Fact is, Catshit reported their forum numerous times. Even Macca Fun House showed proof of this. Catshit also reported the little fic that she claims didn't bother her.
For some reason she attacks Russ and Nacky all over again with the same lies.
Russ never discussed his relationships with this crazy lunatic Catshit. He is not mentally ill. He has no problems maintaining relationships. Unlike the homewrecker Catshit is who cannot keep anyone for very long. Except psychopaths just like her. Check FizBin who abuses practically everyone on forums and keeps all kinds of porn (legal and otherwise) on his HD.
The Richard she addresses is also another target but he has never met this bitch, nor would let her get anywhere near him with her mouth. Or anything for that matter! We're talking SKANK and UGLY bitch.
The attacks on Nacky are utterly ridiculous. Nacky does sell clothing and other items and she is NOT banned from SCA. She did NOT forge anyone's email, that was Catshit and her minion Betty who did all that. And people have proof of this. It has been presented numerous times before. Most of the evidence is on Nacky's group where they all compared notes and even spoke in person to exchange other info...YES the very group Catshit keeps thinking is gone! The one that went through name-changes until the threat was removed for good; i.e. all of Catshit's and Betty's aliases. Once they were purged, the group got on with its normal fun again.
Nacky did NOT murder anyone. Nobody in SCA is hating on Nacky. The one they really hate is this crazy bitch from Michigan who kept invading their groups. Gee, I wonder who that could be?!
So you see, Catshit's story just holds no water.
Talk about a loop! Catshit praises someone (who didn't know the other side of the story at the time) for calling them "trolls" and hammers on that because she wants her targets to feel helpless. The typical MO of KO!
Kinda like she's saying "Yes yes help me call them names! Yessss be a good little minion! I hope you STAY my minion and ignore who the obvious and real troll is!"
But it looks like Brigid wasn't entirely sold on Catshit's shit. :O LOL!
Another insane flippant outburst. August 16th, 2011. Paul nor his staff have any proof of anything to do with Hak5. They never looked into it and they lied to others about it. And Catshit now openly admits she's been reporting the fuck outta PID forum! The liar always paints herself into a corner. Catshit is actually a very bad liar for someone who lives her entire life lying about everything.
Nacky didn't send any email forged or otherwise.
Richard stated that Catkick could sure dish it out but just can't take (as proof so abundantly here) and the bitch just repeated what he said about her.

 Brigid. Another poor soul who tried to reason with the Insane One and it's like having acid thrown in your face. None of Brigid's sound advice went heeded.
Catshit is a lunatic from Hell.
Pretty sure Jesus would deny this toxic Catkicker thing by all acounts. He rebuked such liars and psychopaths then, I'm sure his stance hasn't changed one bit.
Oh look August 16th again!
It's kinda weird she's actually saying that her own argument isn't validated. But the dumb bitch actually says; as if a graphic description validated my argument when I said it wasn't true. LMAO!
She keeps trying to claim that she doesn't read anything they post! At all! Ever! But keeps responding with hysteria to everything people are posting and making all these LJ posts about it!
She says she hasn't bothered with their site for YEARS but here we have all these posts by her that show how BAD of a LIAR she is! She's definitely reading their forum everyday and posting this garbage of hers many times a day to boot!
Her lame and sorry excuse that she peeked in when she "got a forged email" is the biggest pile of BULLSHIT!
Let me state again, Nacky did NOT send any goddamned email to that warped bitch! Catshit is making it all up! If it's real it certainly wasn't Nacky! It wasn't forged either because the headers would have had some info there. Catshit is fucking delusional and wants others to believe this bullshit!
It's all made up or someone really did tell her off and she can't stand it so, her go-to psycho play is to blame it all on Nacky! The real victim in all of this.
Not that Nacky is the only victim, mind you.
I've posted that email on my journal and can post it again if you'd like -Catshit spews.
Um, you already posted it twice, dipshit. Personally, I liked that letter because it called you out Catshit! You must be desperate. :)
John Hoffman did in fact tell the people who contacted him that Kathryn O'Connor (and I'm quoting him here) lives in a total dream world. She is not mentally healthy. Those were his words.
There's even saved emails of other stuff he said about her. We should post that here too!
Nacky is NOT a stalker. That little cruise-tossed Dirk obsessor Kathryn O'Connor is the real stalker!
Nacky has not passed on anything to any PID group. Nacky isn't even ON that group!
Nacky didn't converse with them about anything and if there was contact between her and them, they contacted her and she simply told them what KO was and who she stalked prior to stalking them. That would have been the extent of the contact there.
Notice how Catshit invents this whole conspiracy that Nacky is keeping them all stirred up yet here we have screenshot after screenshot of the real culprit!
I'll bet she didn't count on anyone saving the evidence!
Anyway Nacky hasn't had anything to do with Catshit's bullshit spewings.
Nacky is a victim of this horrid little stalker, after all.
Screenshot continued below:

Richard is right. Catshit was banned from several pagan communities. Ask them. Check into any pagan community in the Detroit area. Kathryn O'Connor is very well known for all the abuse she has dished out and all the trouble she caused there.
The sexual remarks was actually about KO's trying to come onto a 13 year old. Notice how she leaves out whatever Richard said, doesn't even link to it so people can see what was really stated and tries to make him out to be the creep!
Typical sociopathic tactic of hers.
Then she actually compares Paul to Jesus.

Here she shows how sick she is with her delusions that Paul gives one shit about her playing his saviour. Paul didn't thank Catshit for anything!
And on August 16th AGAIN! The furious postings of a raving psycho-crazed piece of shit!

Number 1, Catshit has been reporting that PID forum since 2009! Every day for the last how many years? This post is in 2011, so she's been reporting them for two or three years by this point! This laughable claim of hers that she doesn't bother them is so full of shit!
Number 2, Once again, Nacky did not send the flaming crackpot of insanity any goddamned emails!
Why is Catshit SO determined to keep bringing it up anyway? Oh yeah because she's an obsessive insane stalker trying to make PID people see some sinister doings or somethin'. What a pathetic piece of shit Catshit is!
Catshit's mindgame never worked on them.
You see, PID members are smart people! Whether or not Paul is dead or alive is really beside the point here.
And AGAIN, Nacky's family NEVER suggested to their own flesh and blood to take any meds of any sort! Why? Because there is NO reason for a healthy sane woman like Nacky TO take meds! This is just more of Catshit talking SHIT about people! This is Catshit's mental insanity and insane lies that you see here! Not Nacky's.
And Nacky's family are all about eating healthy and staying away from drugs. Big Pharma or otherwise!
For fucksakes.
Yes PID did say that Catshit is a mental case! IT IS that way! They are 100% CORRECT!
WWJD? Certainly not anything Catshit does! Catshit literally acts and sounds like a total fucking unhinged nutjob of a psycho's nutsack!
This is another example of what Jesus would NOT do!
Nobody was plotting anything in the forum. They just noted the flurry of attacks on her insane whacko journal again.
The screenshot is showing the date of August 17th! A whole 'nother day and she's back with more bitching, whining and bullshit attention seeking because her plot of reporting them didn't work again.
Here she starts another round of furious ranting posts in a single day!
August 18th, 2011.
Well it seems she's super fixated on Richard.
He knows of her, even if he never met her. He knows about her antics from others in the community he belongs to. You can read all about it on the PID forum where he did join that forum.
The insane SHIT she posts about Satan and the FBI and her being a favorite of Satanic elders is also one huge clump of delusion, disconnect from reality and schizophrenic as you can imagine!
For further information on her lies and fantasy about all that, if anyone wishes to attain the whole scope of things and the real story of what Catshit is blathering on and lying about, please see Macca Fun House and Michigan Pagans Group and ask them what their mods and/or elders think of Kathryn O'Connor.
And for further proof that Catshit is lying out her ass about the FBI coming to her to ask questions about any cult or religious goings-on in Satanism, please see the facts here!
NOWHERE in there do they even bother to ask anyone involved in some fantasy world Catshit seems to live in, or even worried about some nutjob in Bloomfield Hills being an alleged devout follower of any Satanic cult.
She lives in a total dreamworld. Just like John Hoffman said!
Goddamn her catkick livejournal is crazier than anything the most ardent PIDer ever thought of saying!

August 18th, the next hour!
The very distorter of truth is the one who posted the shit you see screencapped before you. FACT!
Anyway PID was making fun of one of her last posts when she said she hopes someone breaks a blood vessel. As you can see here, Catshit has been bursting blood vessels all over the place!
Here is what PID members said that brought on Catshit's latest blood splattering episode at the O'Connor Looney Bin in Bloomfield Hills...
Catshit posted: "I hope you burst a blood vessel in your brain from all that unhealthy anger you harbor."

They responded: Read it backwards, it makes more sense!
"I harbor anger so unhealthy that I post my hope of you bursting a blood vessel in your brain!"
Then as you can see, Catshit repeated the same moronic thing again after peeking onto their forum again. Honestly, they were just laughing at her spasms and flurries of windbag attacks. Who wouldn't?
August 18th again and she's still talking to herself!
 I'm going to a big to-do! Nobody cares, Catshit. Go me! I wanna gross people out by walking naked in a room all day!
Where to begin. One thing, she can't decide if her imaginary stalker has found her friends or her imaginary lover that she calls "Tom" because her lies just can't keep track of themselves.
My friends asked me about it, she found YOU, is it him? No, he slept with me so it wasn't him...we BOTH dropped it, they're still my friend...
WTF? Is she seeing one person as a dozen or just a couple extra bodies there?
Anyway now for the truth! There is no Tom. The man she's trying to refer to is actually Earl.
Here's his myspace profile, Earl the real guy, NOT the imaginary Tom that Catshit is trying to claim she slept with and out to dinner with. He has already went on record to say that Catshit is one fucked up bitch and that he never would have put his manhood anywhere near her! He said that's some delusion she lives in!
And it goes without saying, Nacky did not create any extra accounts on myspace to warn anyone about the crazy bitch. Nacky did not pose as anyone's friend in order to get to Earl (who is a real guy) and she didn't contact random people, least of all Earl himself! Nacky did not contact any of Catshit's friends because there's no way to contact imaginary people! Didn't happen. That's just more of Catshit's tin foil hat wearing craziness.
Catshit doesn't even know his NAME! There she is just making up another lie right on the spot. FTR, he does actually have 2 photos of the crazy bitch in his photos area. He calls her the ugly hairy armpit evil clown.
Just sayin'.
And poor Richard who actually did some research into her pathetic shit, because his friends were being harassed by Catshit. He didn't have to ignore anything Misery Pest Control said, because they backed up everything they said.
It was Catshit who forged emails and sent threats and all kinds of steel dildoed bullshit that she pulls out of her ass!
The last sentences of her insanity rant is hilarous. Apparently Catshit cares more about those of us who have seen the light and rebuked her!
And she's since been sussed out of the "two's" fandom. None of them can stand her!
Julian Lennon even blocked her from his own website!
And these friends who she claims are her big strength and salvation...these would be the collective members of a group called MOWFO.
Gee, it seems that Misery Pest Control didn't have to do anything (not that they did, they just gathered in their own space to discuss their experiences) but sit back and watch Catshit (Misery) hang herself! Too damned funny! Popcorn anyone?
More bullshit. Um, MPL actually contacted several people in several forums asking about this Catshit bitch.
It's funny about that Catshit, does she even realize what her own journal is really all about? I can answer that! It's about attacking and slandering all kinds of people!

The best evaluation of these two screenshots from Catshit's journal, the first draft and the final edit she posted, is that she definitely excells in projection as you can clearly see here!
Catshit spends her life attacking and insulting people, she goes onto bullying and stalking when people aren't paying the big queenie enough attention!
Like all her posts, they're all about her!
To Catshit, it's all about her!
Seems like Catshit's blood vessels have all burst and now she's working on bursting her boiled ass all over her padded walls. She attacks several members of a forum she keeps claiming she doesn't read! Wow.
One of the most revealing things is that when someone calls HER bi-polar, she immediately defends her bi-polar bullshit, despite the fact she has ruthlessly attacked many people before whether they were bi-polar or not. A very soft-spoken man who has the disorder was attacked by Catshit's venomous slurs and her purpose for behaving the way she has to him has caused him great distress. The man has had suicidal thoughts. What did Catshit do? Kept reminding him how much better and healthier she is than him. He was belittled by her for taking meds, and yet on her own insane journal, as documented here, has blasted innocent people who don't even have the disorder for not taking meds!
Good grief!
Then she goes off on some tangent about the 1980s. Nobody knows why she seems to insert these crazy theories about what everyone was doing or thinking during the 1980s, but we chock it up to her crack meth-induced ramblings.
BTW Richard nor Duke ever interrupted any threads. They made their own and there were many replies from fellow members. I guess in Catshit's mind if one of their threads gets active it must mean there's an interruption somehow.

Oh yeah here we go! Remember all Catshit's "I don't read your board!" BS?
Well here she flat out admits that even when they IP ban her, she still found a sneaky way to stalk them!
That's right! Catshit herself posted that!
Not only has she proven that she's a LIAR because she tried to claim she didn't read PID forums since years ago, here she's now admiting that even when they banned her and IP banned her, she went out of her way by using proxies to continue to read their forum!
Oh yeah and Catshit went directly to Gothic's ex-neighbor and got some dirt on her...NOT! Another bunch of total trash-talking. That Catshit can't stand it that people are showing what she is, so she goes into overdrive with her bullshit lies!
And PID was obviously reported again by Catshit. PID and PB even considered what the private forum ended up doing...moving to a different server!
But as it stands, PID only violated the one thing Catshit hates; posting some facts about her psycho behaviour and her totally nutjob claims. Catshit just can't stand others to have free speech!
FTR, nobody was posting any nasty "28" posts on MPL. Previously Catshit calimed it was 25 posts. The numbers always change when she tries to sell her new bunch of lies.
FTR, nobody but Catshit is "stuck home" with any problematic life. As a matter of FACT, the one victim she's always being psycho about takes their loved ones and family members with them wherever they go!
Meanwhile Catshit is at her mother's house trying to use the internet to make her delusional mentally deranged vendettas come true because she still hasn't hooked that one celebrity man whom she thinks needs to provide her with a mansion, I'm-better-than-you status and mafia connections.
Catshit still believes that will happen.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Insane Rantings of a Very Mentally Twisted Bitch

This is very telling of her mentally sick thought-process. The sick fuck is actually boasting about being able to come up with a lame name for her victims and patting herself on her back for being such a pathetic bully.
This is also one of the many posts where she makes this so-called claim that Paul McCartney is actually talking to her! She addresses him as "Sir".
Nobody (except the Psycho little shithead herself) called anyone Christmas fruitcakes, least of all a famous man who couldn't care less about this psycho woman's drama! He is NOT interested nor involved with her! For Christsake he doesn't even know she exists! I wonder when that fact will dawn on her? Her post is just one long rambling lunatic rant and self praise.

Gee, it seems that she removes all her own spew so she won't get reported. The dumb stalker is only still there because she removes her violations after about a couple of days, sometimes she removes her shit within a couple of hours so she won't get caught.

This is just another typical attack out of nowhere. She couldn't find anyone else to bash so she used one of her little favorite delusions and posted her tantrum. We guess that she must have had another yahoo account closed down for sending threats. Further the insane bitch isn't quoting anyone there. Nobody ever said that, but we all know how SickShit loves to twist things. The whole thing about Spring / Easter makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! But every year of every day, you can be sure the SickShit Kathryn O'Connor is stirring up shit somewhere with some unfortune soul.
And check it out; the insanely raving psycho woman still has NO idea what the SCA is! Years ago she claimed to be going out to "disco parties" with them - the SCA folks!
They all had such a laugh at her obvious retarded emails back then, knowing full well that little Miss Psycho Kathryn O'Connor was really at home trying to plot her next email bombing upon the Battlestar Galactica Yahoogroup.
As for the lady she attacks, she has never been banned from the SCA. The truth is that the lady and some other people weren't of the same religion that the local SCA chapter's leader wanted them to be (yes, other people were targeted besides Psycho Cunt's victim) and it was a banning on people from other religions from joining certain functions within the SCA. That's all it was, folks! But even I can tell you this...it sure does take one HELLUVA loser psychopathic cuntish windbag to be banned from MOWFO! What a total loser!

And this is all just in the month of April! Who's the psycho in Easter time now?
So anyway these should begin to show people how incredibly unstable, demented and crazy Kathryn O'Connor is. She claims to still write to Dirk Benedict...to complain to him about these imaginary people in her twisted fucked-up brain that she calls The Dirkette Mafia and how they are still bothering her! i.e. Dirk fans that the crazy psycho troll Kathryn O'Connor has harassed are bothering her because they are still alive, and that bothers her. This poor man who had successfully blocked all her snail mail to his official P.O.Box years ago is now fodder in her insane rants on Livejournal. It's hilarious how she claims he is still somehow on her side?!?!! My GAAAWWWD!
 Dirk Benedict is NOT interested in that crazy incinerated troll woman! Nor was he ever on her side. He knows she attacked his fansite and members there for years and got banned by his request when everyone else had done a mass blocking of her crazy fucking ass and all her numerous fake accounts.
By the way, Kathryn O'Connor was the one who joined Hak5 and posted there asking hackers to take down other people's sites, including DBC, AND to snoop on Paul McCartney's site. That if that was unsuccessful, to take that down too.
Hak5 has confirmed that it was the stinking crazy bitch Kathryn O'Connor and her equally retarded minion who helped her. The route trace still showed a Bloomfield Hills Michigan IP. This is her account on Hak5. She used her onscreen nic so the "hackers" could find her and contact her. Not to mention she used her own email address.

Nope! Nacky didn't do shit. Crazy Mental Case Psychopathic Kathryn O'Connor did the deed and her frivilous attempts to get unknown people to believe her confusing bullshit is just as pathetic. Since the person who's being blamed knows that she didn't do it, it showed her that Kathryn O'Connor is still the fucking mentally insane nutcase she threw off her group years ago! It also confirmed for Nacky that this sick bitch was the real culprit and that there were no doubts of who did it after these crazy ranting posts.
And Bibbinut nor Nacky blamed each other, either. This never happened. This was another epic fail on Psycho Catshit's part thinking she was causing something. It failed. Epically. They both knew KO (Catshit) did it. And Catshit herself knows she did it. But watch her pathetic attempt after ludicrously pathetic attempt to still try and blame someone else when Catshit was caught red handed! What happened was the stinking troll snuck back on the private forum and found some posts there documented from her stomping in on other people's groups days and grabbed the post where she babbled on some other support group (that she was banned from too btw because she did follow Nacky there! KO stalking Nacky you see?) and then re-posted it on Hak5 asking for hackers to destroy the forum and Dirk's site and well you know the rest.
And she even editted out the part where she admitted to making phone calls to Nacky's home! And the lies about how the police gave her permission to call the victim! The police never gave the nutbag any permission to call anyone! Least of all the very person who's doing the stalking; Kathryn O'Connor! But she omitted that part of her post and copied it onto Hak5. The edited version that is, and re-posted her same whining crap there. Only that dingbatted bitch would post that shit and omit incriminating details so she didn't look like the stalker she is. That's why she was banned in the first place by the guy who owned the first forum! Only that sick bitch would do that. Nobody else. That's why we all knew it was Catshit without a doubt! And by the way, the piece of shit Catshit did leave threatening messages on the phone so she even contradicted her own "cop story" about them allowing her to call someone as long as there weren't any threats! Um, there were threats and like I said, the police never gave that stalking cuntwad any such permission to do anything to Nacky!!

Catshit is not going to mention any names but in the very next sentence...DEAN! Gotta shake your head at her blatant self-contradictions. Don't worry Dean, you're just a figment of a very sick woman's warped imaginary world.
And she even names one more! "Sir" (meaning Paul McCartney)! Yes she posts about him as if he's actually reading any of her bullshit tripe there! A wedding present and he'll know when "he" sees it! For fucksakes she's really living in la-la-land! Psst Paul isn't reading your posts, Kathryn O'Shit, nor is he coming to save you from yourself. Or anyone. Gotta crash sometime, bitch, might as well be now.
And George (as in George Harrison) is being used as the lying sack of shit's tool there! George lying for a Pathetic Psycho Nutcase about someone whom George, if he even ventured such a ghostly and ghastly look into Drama Queen Cathshit's mind, would know the culprit instantly! Knowing full well that Nacky had nothing to do with that shit! Wow imagine George's wrath being lied about like that! LOL!
And the blamed victim knowing now without a doubt that it was Kathryn O the SICK BITCH who posted on Hak5! That was confirmation enough! But the Psycho Bitch keeps on proving how guilty she really is. Read on in further screenshots.
What a coward to use a dead man, who cannot defend himself, to make these INSANE claims! Nobody buys it, Catshit! Nobody! Check yourself into a fucking looney bin NOW! George doesn't talk to you! He's been dead for years! He has NO interest in your fucking bullshit drama, bitch! He wouldn't give a fucking two craps about your psycho problems of being caught red handed and he isn't going make your lies come true either, you SICK motherfucker!
As for the Dirk thing. Seems like every time she pissed someone off in the Dirk community she turned around and saw that as another opportunity to harass Dirk some more! Really sending him magazines? Maybe she should have stopped her bullshit and taken a hint? Because Dirk ended up blocking her permanently from ever contacting him again! How's that for ya!
My God she even goes so far as to brag about making things hard on Dirk because she is sending him shit for no reason other than to be a creep because she can't handle being outed as a psycho stalker in his fandom! I can't even imagine what Paul McCartney would have gotten by now if she had his P.O.Box snail-mail address!
And this "video proof" she still claims to have? Please see the real matter here and here and here and here. The Catshit bitch is a liar! There was no positive interaction with Dirk and his stalker Kathryn O'Connor! And she did cause Dirk to stop coming to Michigan and when he did come back, his security was on alert and kept the Psycho Bitching bitch AWAY from Dirk. TRUTH!
R.I.P. George Harrison. We are sorry that there's a psycho woman who has severe mental problems trying to cause your loved ones any problems because of her obvious sickness. To his family and loved ones, we know he is resting peace and isn't communicating with a mentally deranged woman in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan who has lied her whole life and needs to seek professional help.

The second screenshot was added to by Catshit after a few hours. Lucky we caught it in time before it disappeared.
So look at the flippant rambling crazy here and see her claiming that someone's gonna get charged with something. Never happened. Crazy Batfuck goes into a whole stalker fantasy about some seminar at a con and stalking laws that for some reason concentrated on Canada :/ and then announces she's going to shove personal info on someone in Canada into Dirk's face! WTF is Dirk supposed to do? Drop down to the floor and start kissing her big fat ass in front of everyone and beg the internets to join her cause? To get him to white knight for her? To get him to notice her?
I guess she graduated from Stalking School! Cause why does she keep claiming to have personal info on someone? To intimidate them, of course! Catshit is a stalker who will claim to have your personal info.
Really Kathryn O'Connor really needs to address all her posts towards herself! They are all her delusions and mindgames after all.

Yes Catshit...your projections are laughable when this clearly should be something you should do...take a hard, long look at yourself! But sociopaths like you don't see anything wrong, you little sociopathic hag.
That's one obsessed bitch! The same one who asks hackers to destroy other people's sites and accounts. Then rages onto her journal and other forums and screams that they're doing those deeds to her! To try to make it look as if she's being hacked. Yeah she's not too bright.

Another scream for attention.
According to her, someone had tried to hack her (again) but anyone can tell how phony all this is. Catshit has had numerous accounts on Yahoo and Yahoo themselves removed them because she violated their terms. So how are a big corporation acting as little pity parties to her and being aware of anything happening with her? The answer is NO. They are not even concerned about her psycho problems in her head and anyone who has a Yahoo account knows automatically how full of shit her claims here are. They do not send anyone a letter about passwords. Her story here is so bogus. They do not send letters to people with compromised accounts. They have a feature that locks an account if too many unsuccessful results are detected and now they even log the IP of unsuccessful logins. But you'll not find one mention of that by her! Just a bunch of bullshit about how they're all watching out for poor-widdle-crazy-woman who spends her life online looking to cause trouble and play like she's innocent.
She must have gotten a thrill to lie to people who bought into her mindgames.
The Paul McCartney forum she mentions here and someone's alleged 25 nasty posts is also a big bunch of bullshit. She's confusing someone named Mark with one her other victims. And the lady in Canada never posted anything nasty on MPL, not to mention, none of the others she's always accusing even bothered to join MPL. So there you go.

When looking at all of Catshit's posts and her continuing psycho shit, the word redundancy does seem the best way to describe Catshit.
Now about her neverending shit post above.
This is some of the biggest bullshit lies you'll read anywhere. First she goes on and on about what's the in the private forum that is a hub of people that Catshit stalks and spent years harassing and threatening. But we see here proof that she stalked her way right onto that forum (several times in fact and had to be IP banned, email banned, banned across the board, boy she can't take a hint!) to post her garbage and distorted lies about what's in there. Catshit starts off her insane journal post here with some accusation about redundancies while she totally ignores how ridiculously redundant she is!! Think about all her posts on every damned thing and how she's nothing but a broken record of insane.
You'll see further on how she harps on things forever, and her constant need to bash into people about bi-polar this and bi-polar that. She comes off like the insane serial killer you'd expect of someone wanting to do away with anyone with an emotional range that she herself claims to be better than everyone else at!
She sure has this unbelievable amount of hatred and narcissistic rage against people who've only ever been honest when they told her that she's crazy and demented and to seek help after having to deal with her insanity. After they all had put up with SO MUCH grief from her and her bullshit lies and Dirk obsessions.
Secondly, the ludicrous claims continue about what was even on another group (R&S still going strong despite the numerous name-changes and there was more than two name-changes they had to in order to avoid further grief from this insane twisted bitch who kept trying to get back onto their group and several other groups members were also in) and the group's archive, still intact, shows exactly what happened.
Catshit tries to claim that Nacky said something that she never said or posted. Nacky was never a sufferer of any mental disorders like bi-polar disorder. She was never told by any family member any such a goddamn thing and when you see Catshit making these claims to still have those posts, please notice that Catshit never posts them and we KNOW she would if she really had anything like that! She has definitely posted other people's private letters and even posted links before, so we all know she will if she has anything. The way to know she's lying out her ass is noticing the lack of links, posts or anything that could back it up. Another way to tell she's lying is if you see her ugly mouth moving and see anything written by her. It's an OUT RIGHT LIE if she tries to come off with the "privacy reasons" excuse.
She doens't have any such post because it never existed! No content shared. Nope. Nothing to share. Catshit lies like she breathes.
Catshit also seems to believe people are sending her imaginary friends links to anything like a forum. This is simply not true nor ever happened.
The link was shared with others in the know. Word just got around.
Catshit can't seem to realize that her nastiness is well-known and she seems content to actually print off what people say about her online and show it to every damned person who will give her 5 minutes of their time.
I'm sure all of them know how deranged she is and they must think to themselves; why is this bitch showing me what people say about her? She's either relishing the attention she's getting or she thinks I can do something about it! Deranged bitch go away!
Furthermore, the group was never deleted despite her delusional creepy obsession over it. She wants to believe the group is gone because that's where she posted all that Dirk cruise shit of hers. Lying her ass off and people telling her to get a life! That's what was in that group.
And to the contrary of what Catshit says; she did NOT have any fun on any holiday because she spent it like all the rest...in her mother's house in little one-horse town Bloomfield Hills on her mother's computer posting the garbage you see on her insane journal.
And very contrary to her fantasy that Nacky or anyone for that matter is reading all her posts on Beatles sites, let me assure you that's definitely not the case!
We know Catshit has this fantasy that she controls people because she assumes they're just like her. If anything Catshit was busy reading everything on that PID forum!
Oh WAIT! YES! That's exactly what happens!
LOL that crazy Catshit sure does project much.
Anyway nobody posted about any such problems in Nacky's group that Catshit claims. They posted about the problem of that crazy bitch Kathryn O'Connor (Catshit), though!
Catshit was banned forever and despite that Catshit sent all sorts of death threats, spam and other nonsense, tried to forge their emails when they all blocked her kathy_seven and fur_vore emails, Catshit is still waging war with them. Catshit is and remains the stalker! A stalker who loves to lie, and make all her victims out to be what she is.
Catshit thinks she has control over them in that way.
But Catshit has been revealed for what she is a long time ago.
This is why a forum for people who've been stalked by her had started to come into being.
Had Catshit left them alone, none of it would have developed to how it is now. All those death threats and harassing emails, thousands of them about Dirk, and her insanity becoming dreadfully surreal about what she thought she was going to do to all these people for banning her and not believing her lies. All those creepy phone calls, letters and so on.
Just note how nasty she is towards these people that have their own stories to tell.
Now you see why Catshit has spent years trying to destroy other people's sites and groups. She doesn't want the evidence to be available anywhere.
But it sure is! And it will remain!

It's like she talks to herself. This is a post about Catshit obviously. LOL
More creep posting by Catshit. Projections galore.
The broken record with the same old bullshit again. 
Then Catshit goes and edits in more (see screenshot below). Apparently Catshit jacks off to her own shit posts and somehow believes her writing is great. Writing that is defined by utter lack of thought, grammar, correct spelling, use of the English language or intelligence. In otherwords, Catshit's writing is horrid and infantile. She claims she's great as proof by her OWN blog post! Huh? Wow. That's some out-of-control ego there. She must crave being laughed at.
Her lies are so transparent, and more projection. For further info on her idea of "nowhere" all one had to do is look at the facts! So who's stuck? That would be Catshit in her mother's basement nursing her narcissistic rage for all eternity!
Crazy. Whackjob gigantic. Mega insane. So Catshit bitches about someone having an opinion about eye color! Please note how Catshit can include a link (when it serves her purpose - but will totally leave out any link that proves what a liar she is, just note that)
So she's gong off on some rageous tangent about eye color. Then in one of her replies to a bewildered Brigid, she lops on all this bullshit that makes no sense! Going from one person to the next as if they were all one person. For the record, Tina (of the PID forum) did contact a publisher because Catshit herself was threatening to slander her in print. Yeah like Catshit didn't expect that reaction. Dumb fucking bitch. She sure whined about it when the publisher wouldn't publish defamatory content on some real life person though, as you can see, whining about it in her fucking shit post.
And check out the total garbage she tells Brigid.
But Brigid already knows the truth by now.
The cruise was the event in which Catshit had accosted Dirk Benedict in some threatening way. An incident that involved Catshit pulling out her steel dildo and making unwanted advances at Dirk. The ship's security arrested and held Catshit in custody until the cruiseliner made port somewhere and they sent her straight home.
This is when unwitting members of another group were to be witness to the utterly insane and twisted lies from Kathryn O'Connor (Catshit) afterwards. It was them who threw her off their group after so much shit was posted by Catshit. At first Catshit had them all giving her attention and sympathy because Catshit had told them all how mistreated she was by those "nasty Dirkettes". Later after much confusion and upset that Catshit had caused that group, they all realized she was one big psychopathic liar and troll. Catshit was the one who threatened that group's admin (Nacky) and who sent numerous harassing emails and death threats to boot!
That's the TRUTH of what happened! Nacky was never that insane fuck's friend. Nacky was only the group owner who maintained a group and who had no idea what kind of crazy was on her group until Catshit's real personality began to reveal itself. Catshit's lies piled up. That's what members had seen and realized.
Nacky never posted any of Catshit's bullshit on any other group. It was a public group. Nobody needed to do anything. Catshit was doing herself in. There was NO suicide attempt from anyone on that crusie either. It was just another one of Catshit's lies to appear like a hero to Nacky and her group because none of them were there and Catshit figured they were easy targets to lie to. When Catshit realized nobody was buying into her lies anymore, and that they actually contacted Dirk's staff to get answers because of the obsessive trolling Catshit was doing, that's when Catshit started sending attacks and threats to Nacky and her group. Catshit even vowed to never leave Nacky alone and that she would see her die or killed. They all took the obvious steps to avoid any further contact from Catshit. Which didn't work fully, and they are, to this day, still being stalked or harassed in some way.
Like all her insane posts, this is another example of beginning with some unknown accusation (presumably against Astrid) then trails off into some warped bullshit about shooting at people with her concealed weapon. For the record, nobody contacted anyone concerning any forum. Everything you read at Catshit's journal is all projection. People actually know how to use search engines to find out things and the Survivors forum had seen an influx of new members sharing their experiences of this insane bitch. How they found it was simply because the twsited Catshit kept talking about it, and never shut up about it. Notice how determined she is to defame anyone who can shed light on her psychopathic behaviour and reveal her history of harassment. That's what was documented at the forum. It was never dedicated to her (though she likes to think it is) but the reality is, it's for victims to share their experiences of her and other stalkers like Catshit, to talk and to show what she had sent to all those people over the years. That's what she just couldn't stand! That people actually had a memory and saved the evidence of her absolute insane bullshit attacks. Catshit's post is another sickly example of her obsessiveness.
Another insane journal post. Another random attack on somebody for having an opinion different than hers, no doubt.
As for the whole police thing. She had claimed to have a gun on her journal and talked about shooting people passing by her house (see the screenshot of it above this one), then she sent the link to everyone and their dog. Naturally someone contacted the police. The police she refers to as being so nice to her, were actually telling a different story when they replied to the concerned citizens who reported her. The police told them that she was a crazy woman and that she lives in a total dreamworld and isn't in touch with reality! Their words. They also confirmed that her claiming to have a gun is just a big nonsense claim of hers.
 Catshit doesn't own any guns. For good measure you are free to ask Stu himself about her delusional crap.
Another thing to add: If a cop comes to your door and claims he didn't even bother to read what you wrote on the internet with your gun threats, and that (as was claimed) that he "knew" someone else was offering up BS, then WHY did he come to your fucking house to begin with?
Yeah bitch, you're fucking crazy and your so called P's and Q's don't mean shit when you are posting gun threats and other crap when in reality, you do not really own a gun!
In order to own one, you have to undergo a mental evaluation and we ALL know, you'd end up locked up in the looney bin if you ever even tried to apply for a gun.
Do you ever listen to yourself? Your posts are laughably insane. Scary creep though you are.
The below screencaps should have been at the top of this blog, but for some reason got shuffled to the bottom. They are dated March 2011, which should have been at the very top. Otherwise everything is pretty much in order as far as a timeline goes.
Dated March 16, 2011. This crazy lunatic, for the record is still piping her crazy lies about Hak5. Nobody threatened Paul McCartney. Her post was actually mostly about her victim and asked for the victim's evidence against her to be destroyed, and then ended with a request to hack the MPL site for any gossip that might have been sent in private about her. The fact is Psycho Bitch Catshit went into a forum called Hak5 and asked for the destruction of other forums.
Also nobody "told" this bitch anything or claimed innocence to her.
The anti-stalking blog which details this bitch's stalking activities, had posted that the Paul McCartney site got back in touch with them and told them it was an IP from the U.K. Facts, folks! Good stuff. Unlike the lies you see on Catshit's posts. Stalker bitch Catshit just reads everything on the diary that documents her stalking of them.
The only crazy I see is Catshit/Kathryn O'Connor!
LOL I'm wondering whatever happened to Paul's staff pressing charges? Hmm whatever became of that? Because Catshit knew she had lied her way out of it and probably knew they didn't give a crap but figured she'd use the fact they didn't go after her; the real culprit that she would milk this thing for all it's worth.
The stuff about Dirk is another glaring testimony of how insane she is!
Dated March 17, 2011.
Seems like Dirk had the right idea. Block the crazy bitch from ever contacting him again, via snail mail OR the internet! Of course Catshit will say that's bullying and belittling, etc. Blocking equals bullying in her twisted little creep stalker mind. After all.