

Monday, August 7, 2023

The Cray Cray Continues

 It continues. To this day. Years, even decades after her failed and disastrous cruise where she relentlessly stalked and freaked out Dirk Benedict and his fans.

Nevermind the fact that she is a hefty and overweight nutball, but the fact that she keeps trying to justify abusing people with her weird threats and esoteric statements wherein she claimed to work for the mafia and was a high ranking witch that could cast spells and was always referring to "enemies" to be destroyed one way or the other. There was never a time where she was involved with any group where she didn't speak of evil things, doing evil things, and planning to do evil things.

If all she can do is insult Kimba's weight, she's still as pathetic as she was in 2004 when she was kicked off that cruise.

This Jane person must have really ruffled Catshit's jimmies. Imagine a mentally ill woman like Catshit claiming that Jane was out to mentally harm her. What did Jane say or do? My guess would be that she didn't believe the crazy ass psycho babble that Catshit was spewing.

Another proof that being a libtard is like wearing a neon sign saying that you want to be ruled by the likes of psychopaths (like Catshit herself) but the facts are; antifa and the feds, dirty cops, and the CIA were the ones who created riots.
As for Dirk (or Trump) allowing abuse in their names, whatever Crazy, whatever.
Dirk cannot order anyone from doing anything online. Furthermore you certainly do lie.
Here are the facts:
1. YOU stalked people online, and in real life. Called their homes and not only sent threatening emails which ranged from harassment and spamming them but to actual death threats and actively engaged with others willing to go out and do harm to them. Does the name Overmyer ring any bells?
2. YOU didn't send Dirk letters asking him to stop anyone until years later when your stalking had gotten so out of hand that people began fighting back. Your letters and packages were stalker-ish and creepy and often cited Dirk's personal life as if it was any of your business.
3. YOU spent years bad-mouthing him and posting hate-filled rants at him, about him, and went out of your way to verbally abuse him online in very public posts and forums. I think I can speak for the rest of the planet when I say that Dirk ignoring your "cries for help" was the best thing he could do outside of sending you a big hearty LOL in your face, bitch!

As for Republicans sucking, yeah they do, but Democrats who actually do shit all over the streets in major Democrat-run shitholes (like your precious Detroit) sucks even worse. You suck, Catshit and you sound vaccinated. You know that you are.

You don't tell stories, you tell lies. There is a difference.

Jane, you ignorant slut. LULZ!