

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Insane Rantings of a Very Mentally Twisted Bitch (tenth batch of screenshots)

Well it looks like the hideous raging cyberbully comes back to spewage more of her sewage!

After a blissful 6 month period of blessed peace and quite (excluding whatever filth and sickness she's got on her facebook that if anyone is looking at is getting a good laugh out of - laughing AT her) this psycho thunder cunt comes back to stink up livejournal once again!

                                             The CyberBully Catshit is Back!

1. Her whole post is a cyberbullying post, her being the cyberbully as she's always done with her attacks and name-calling. Still can't get that she is the bully!

2.  Her writing is criminal.

3. Nobody ever suggested that she go to jail for being such a hideous cunt and cyberbully. What people could send her ass to jail for are actual crimes like harassment, stalking, threatening, sending death threats in emails and on various forums, groups and networks and calling people on the phone with death threats! Those kind of crimes. But of course she keeps trying to spin and invent her own lies to appear as the victim.

4. She lost friends on account that she herself is no friend to anyone. She is the sociopath/psychopath. She mimics others natural emotions/empathy but in herself there is only rage and narcissism. She is literally the last one to talk about "ego" since hers has always been massive and OTT.

5. We see she's still obsessed with Stu's private parts. As she's been with Bibbi's, Tracy's, Nacky's, Shay's, Dirk's, Paul's, etc etc. Still trying to mention vagina and dick as much as possible. Still don't know WTF she means by Stu's hobbies though since he's not a porn star or anything.

6. Congrats on the new record of 6 months of not being seen. But the bully in you just couldn't stay the fuck away. Had some legal troubles there, Catshit? Too bad you're still stinking up the internet.

The PSYCHO STENCH IS BACK AGAIN! This time with even more Assumptions about people's lives that she could not control. She sees this woman and decides to RUN to her batshit insane journal and write some psychotic nonsense! Yet she calls the woman "a stalker" and doesn't see the irony in what she's done and in her own actions. Always as delusional and crazy as it gets! The only thing she uses that account for is to attack people with when she isn't trolling with her god-awful fics.

Also, what a lovely misogynist attitude CatShit has!

The crazy is definitely back! The funny farm at Bloomfield Hills Sanitarium just bursts with crazy!
Catshit is now quoting Jack Nicholson's crazy criminal character from A Few Good Men who tries to justify killing people.

What "truth" is she crazily ranting on about here? Her truth? The made-up version where she has "spouses"? The one where she is determined to keep lying until someone believes it? Crazy Kathryn O'Con-lying-nut, YOU are the one who can't handle the truth and the truth was already given countless times by Stu, and the MOWFO group!

 Kilgore Trout is still full on cray-cray!

Funny how I think it's ok for me to say cruel things regarding others being hated by God or gods of some sort, but when Chris O points out that I'm like an STD, man, I go all apeshit.

There. Fixed it for ya!

Another thing I'd like to point out is that all the Norse, Roman, Greek and Druid gods must have really hated Kathryn O'Conner! Insane, beyond mentally capable of reason or logic, physically repulsive and an attitude of total shit and psychosis that she's basically a walking nightmare.

And some stuff submitted from 2015, which Catshit then tried to steal.

 Describes Catshit perfectly! Like her trying to control the Dirk/SciFi fans by trying to tell everyone lies about them, like they were crazy and bi-polar and the toxic bitch is still at it! On three of them she tried to convince members of MOWFO that they were drug dealers, meth addicts and bi-polar. This after sending multiple death threats involving witchcraft. I wonder how that's working out for her? That crazy cunt sure does love to project but we know the TRUTH about the toxic Kathryn O'CON-NUT

Catshit's misinfo did nothing for her when people by and large stayed above her cruel tactics and people by and large eventually saw the truth !

Catshit could not control anyone she was trying to with her insane cruise drama and lies, she could not bring down Tracy and her members. Catshit could not control MOWFO with her lies and "curses" and people saw the truth of how toxic she is. Nowadays, Catshit only controls mindless idiots who are strangers to the long line of enemies she's made and in the long run, they too, will see. Eventually.

Do you hear that people? A crazy ass bitch named Kathryn O'Connor bad-mouths people (mostly women) because she's a psycho jealous piece of shit who can't compete with women. Of any kind. That's how pathetic and toxic she is. The lies about Diane should ring ditto for this. How pathetic Catshit is indeed. And like a man, if she can't control you, watch out! Her obsession with your penis (using gun references) will be used to try to shame you!

In short; NEVER trust anything coming out of Catshit's gob! It's all shit.

Catshit is endlessly pathetic while ensuring hilarity of her psychosis.

These people who threw her crazy ass off their gaming group or site are probably way thinner than she is, but that doesn't stop her from crying about being body shamed while doing it to others - but here is another look at how people who reject her have been living in her head rent free for years!

The gift that keeps on giving!

 This crazy is just... WTF?