

Friday, October 29, 2021

Updated to Include More Crazy Psycho from Catshit

 I'll just show the recent screenies...

Here she seems to not be over the fact that English Lass handed McCunt O'Connor her ass in an epic way. However EL never abused anyone and Crazy O'Connor as always projects.


Here she attacks a guy named Gordon and claims she's not stalking him while, of course, stalking him!
And notice how she admits to harassing Nacky and then goes off with some lame excuse that she did it because Nacky allegedly wanted to shut her down from using a tool like the internet.
Did it ever occur to the hag that people wanted to kick her off the internet because she wouldn't stop harassing and stalking them using said tool?!?!

Also word to note; it was Betty and some other entity that spammed the Battlestar Galactica groups. Not Nacky.

AND another thing; Nacky is not bi-polar! That's just Catshit still applying a label to someone she has actively stalked and been thwarted by, and can't stand it.

And these forums and groups she keeps hammering on about. They're no longer accessible or just plain not around now. Why is she still so obsessed with it all? That should tell anyone looking into this how demented and psycho this Catshit bitch really is. And BTW WTF? Nobody owes you. But you seem to have a real problem with this Gordon guy! LOL!

Then there's this couple of hit pieces.

Catshit is literally deflecting how everyone knows how crazy she is, not the woman she's attacking in here. And furthermore someone saying that someone has issues is a more polite way of that person telling Catshit to fuck off and leave the friend alone. That she has issues with YOU - Catshit!

And a word of note. There is another online entity named Catturd. Who is a cool guy. The exact opposite of the psychopathic Catshit! How precious, she's spent decades stalking everyone to their forums and boards and still tries to claim she's being stalked while actually putting direct messages to her victims on a very public outlet.
Psycho! And all your enemies and the two weird creepy friends you got know you're serial killer crazy. So there's that.

Super Psycho Sick! So nobody can join certain groups without being called a stalker, yet she did it all the time and actually went on the attack!

Is this supposed to make any sense? No. The answer is no.

You followed Dirk and his fans for decades, dearie. Nobody is stalking you. Just keeping evidence of your online harassment, as your previous death threats were cause enough to keep people alerted and well armed with the cyber trail you make of yourself.

This is too laughable.

And what have we got here?

A fun fact: Catshit is literally an obese 4 foot 7 inch orc lady who weighs around 290 lbs.

Having no idea who these new people are, whoever Rain is, and the people involved in this, all this blogger can do is offer condolences. Once Catshit has you targeted, you'll never be far from her obsessive attacks. Until the day she dies, the attacks will increase. Your life will be overshadowed by either a small degree or a large degree, but overshadowed it will be.

Ask the numerous, numerous other people that has had the unfortunate luck of ever coming across her path. Please take care. Never post your personal information online, never announce where you'll be at any given event or gathering. Or anytime. Stay safe. Catshit is crazy.

Another deranged, unhinged, and what the fuck post from the Crazy One.

This post seems to scream of attention whoring and seems to seek the attention of Elon Musk now! He has bodyguards and this bitch is mad because he's seen what the democrats really are and is escaping from them.
And since it's well documented that she and her ex-friend Betty had spammed numerous yahoogroups with the subject of Dirk Benedict and Battlestar Galactica, it's strange how she's still trying to blame it all on Betty. Or is it Bibbi? Or is it Tracy? Or is it the one she's stalked for decades now? It's been 18 fucking years! You think she'll ever let it go that she wasn't going to get laid by Dirk on that cruise?
People had every right to ban her ass for the repeated attacks she made against the cruise. Against Dirk. And then against the whole fanbase when she was kicked out for being such a creep about it all!
She could have just left people alone! She could have sought therapy. Instead she threatened people, spammed people and while she reaches to connect spamming with child molestation or that spamming can lead to that (again wtf?) it seems she's revealing more about herself than those she maligns.

And those who've been around since the ancient times of the Battlestar drama, they recall that she would often brag about attending underaged orgies that were set up by some of her evil little friends like Overmeyer and that micro group of ghouls.