

Friday, December 29, 2017

The Insane Rantings of a Very Mentally Twisted Bitch (fourteenth batch of screenshots)

The Crazy One over at LiveJournal has more crazy to post....

My goodness, KO is jealous of Dirk talking to Betty! It's not real though.
One thing that is real though is the fact that everyone else lives rent free in KO's head.
As of the timestamp on her LJ post, KO is still ranting up a storm about DJ Brick, DJ Stu, and others in a group called MOWFO.
Living Rent Free in KO's sick head are all the members of MOWFO & BSG related forums.
Her timeline is proof of that.
Also Dirk Benedict never publicly endorsed a politician from Alabama but it's telling that KO is concerned with anyone being cheated since everyone knows it was rigged and KO herself claims voter fraud against her regarding MOWFO! Can we say hypocrite? Yes. Yes we can.

This gets more and more twisted! LOL!
BTW there is plenty of drama where KO posts. Facebook would be the place where most of it churns.

LOL again. KO sent  Dirk all kinds of creepy letters, love and hate. Packages and even threats about hacking his site, slandering his sons, and lots of sick fantasies that she calls "fan fictions" involving him to the point he actually had his post master block anything coming from her. This is snail mail, folks. What did KO do? She continued sending him her creepy stalkerish shit under different names and addresses.

Through his friend, who also runs his official website, it is a well known verified fact that KO engaged in stalking Dirk Benedict in real life and online. He has saved everything she sent him in case this ever goes to court one day.

Strange how she now claims everyone knows it's "Betty" when KO was caught lying about the people in the above post who confirmed that KO was being her usual lurid self and creeping out some other members of some other group.
Also please note that nobody is inviting her into their sexual relations! Only a psychopath as deranged as she is would even have the notion. KO is hideously fat and ugly.

Without even showing the email in question, KO, once again gets some spam and spins herself into a frenzy of drama that isn't even there. I feel sorry for anyone with the name Kathryn O'Connor! What a curse. Being such an obscure name and all, according to KO, one should not live in Florida with that name. No evidence that whoever it is actually spammed anybody.


And Gordon is off his meds, according to KO.

And some random craziness...


  1. What I found to be especially fucked in the head is she goes on and on about God hating people and giving them bad brains and then in the following sentences claims she's not mentally ill! OMG! Seriously the illness drips from her!

    Then she talks about Stu being a sociopath AFTER she exhibits everything a sociopath is!

    And she seems really worried about mentally ill people getting guns while she yaks on about being sane but is suddenly anti-gun lol! You'd think she'd be all for getting a gun against all the insane people she keeps claiming are insane!

    Then she randomly attacks EL again. Then claims to have raised an adopted child! Was this when she was working as a blonde petite exotic dancer? Or was this when she worked for the mafia? LMAO!

    1. She was "proffesionally" diagnosed as sane by "proffessionals"!

      I wonder if the proffessionals are proffesionals or proffessionals? Hard to tell with the horrible spelling if she means there are two different kinds (they're all made up in her head anyway) but are the extra letters just interchangeable or just their professions? lolololol!

    2. I'm surprised that shrinks do diagnoses on sane people, or that she'd even expect anyone to believe that she was actually in front of any doctor and given a clean bill of sanity! THAT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN!

      Yes she is a BAD liar!
