

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Continuous Cray Cray

 The hilarity that keeps on being grimly laughable.



Not sure what's going here but, the padded room is getting trashed by KO for sure. Extra sedatives tonight for KO!

Jane, you ignorant slut! LOL! But at least you're right about KO. :-)

Please note the bit about what a mature person does while she literally fills her journal with whacked out diatribes. Note that.

Oh and Stu is a slob, breaking from maturity to post that Stu is a slob. Stu, you ignorant slob! :-P


This is what an incredibly mentally ill, immature person does. Please refer to previous note. Oh and KO was never her best because if one is too dependent on others to validate them, never gonna happen. Did she even get that memo? Nah.


Hm. Yeah re-writing history and events doesn't make KO the victor. Just a liar. Also KO was banned from lots of groups within the convention crowds and scifi communities. Is it any wonder why?



It's like looking at a Picasso. A very drunk, insane, demonically possessed Picasso who used its own vomit to create a piece of art. That's what KO puts out there! Only the best of the worst. :-D

Also, to reiterate. Dirk's fanbase never stalked KO. It was the other way around. KO went on a cruise. Got stupid. Got weird. Got thrown off cruise. The cruise that hosted Dirk Benedict.

Dirk Cruise Details 

In the post it states that it would be his last cruise with fans, and to make it the best experience. Unfortunately, KO booked herself to go on that cruise. Dirk's last cruise was basically a nightmare. His stalker showed up. And after the cruise was ended, KO's 20+ year reign of what you see now, has yet to relent. Still obsessed with Dirk (what happened to Paul McCartney?) and still having a hard time letting go of DBC and its members.

While I will contend that she was thrashed around by many people of the fanbase, it wasn't unjustified. Everything she experienced she brought on herself. Don't let KO re-write history. KO is a nasty bitch. She thrives on being a triggered, forever offended, mentally challenged troll.

Aaaand this one!


So much for her friends, huh? LMAO! TBH some of us read once in a great while for the sheer entertainment of watching a train wreck! KO is literally Keith Olbermann all of the time. Train wrecks that happen everyday with those two unhinged clowns, crying pissy tears. It's morbid, I know. It's a massive car pile-up and it's like watching the meltdown that never actually ends in a complete wicked witch of the west meltdown where she's gone. But maybe one day.

Lauren and Lady Di have a much different story to tell, highlights will be included in here but first, the cray cray postings.


Setting it straight, Lauren never hated Diane. It didn't happen. Please note the mentality of the deranged Catshit who is known to scare dogs, and make creepy-ass comments about them, that she makes up such bullshit concerning Diana getting a dog. 1. Lauren (as any other animal lover) would have applauded Diana for taking care of and providing a home for a dog. 2. Diana was already rescuing dogs prior to Lauren having a dog. So that will blow Catshit's claims right out of the water. Catshit's claims is totally made up. 3. Diana was never a hooker. 4. Diana never "called herself" Lady Di. That was a nickname given to her by her friends in her various circles. 5. Catshit has described herself as a 4 ft Goth from a wealthy family and bragged about living in a mansion. Catshit also spends and has spent most of her time bragging about herself (as you can see in her own psycho journal) while maintaining a permanent streak of hateful rants and grotesque writing. Catshit is a sick m'fer.

In short it was Lauren who rejected Catshit's advances. Not Diana. Also Diana is straight. Lauren is also still friends with Diana and yes, she does refer to her as Lady Di. Eat shit KO!

And as another note; thanks for confirming your insecurities KO! The way you'd always brag about being a witch. Being all this tough shit, when in reality, you're just an unintelligent loser.

Not even sure how to read this without suspecting some kind of threat.


Lauren is apparently a Goth who practices BDSM. And at parties where KO is at. Hmm. Oookay.

 Again just, unhinged.


Would sure like to get Lauren's side. The things we'd learn.

Whatever "Anne" said, I'm sure she was right. Just a hunch.



Ugh. A lot of word salad that honestly sounds quite bi-polar while bashing the bi-polar of it all. Unhinged and desperate to claim something although we just don't know what it is that KO is trying to say. As usual.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors!


1. Personal messages to anyone and everyone! Spoofed and/or sock emails when KO's regular ones were blocked. Let's not forget the snail mail that was also sent out to Dirk Benedict, loads of those. Like 30 of them in a short period of time. That's a LOT of stamps! Also gifts along with letters about how much she loved him, but also about how he was a has-been, isn't good in bed (as if she'd ever know), and all the hate one could pour out to a man. And his fanbase. Letters galore. How about that old postmaster in Montana, huh? Now that she mentioned postmaster.

2. Lots of threats. As a matter of fact, there were so many threats of violence and incoming death that most have lost count.

3. Insults? Remember folks it's only a crime to insult KO. It's never a crime when she insults. Which is her whole reason for living. Just so we're all on the same page here.

4. Direct contact? Seriously does she forget about her directly contacting all those people? Showing up on ship cruises? Showing up at events? Showing up at the good old Satanic temple to bring items of her would-be victims? Items that her victims actually sent to her in the form of hair, nail clippings, and used cat litter.

5. Crimes done to her? Oh I know! When Dirk didn't have sex with her, when people blocked her crazy ass, when someone from a hacker group signed her up for the military after she tried to sign them up for gay groups and Jim Overmyers House of Horrors. That's a serious crime cuz, the military is supposed to be a rough and tough fighting machine. One look at KO and they would have all went M.I.A. and A.W.O.L. and that can be devastating to National Security.


Bibbinut you ignorant slut!



A little Saturday Night Live humor there, no offense BN.

Her journal consists of one hate post after another. Gone are the days when the Beatles were all practicing sodomy in her graphically explicit fan-fictions, but I digress.

However please be advised that KO is a loving and valuable magic woman. And I'm the Queen of England. Excuse me now while I go polish my scales.



I mean seriously Betty! Get a clue! You just obsess so much! You've gotten a Livejournal and you post on it about everyone you hate! Just stop it already! Get with the program. Fer chrissake.

Also we do know you're a troublemaker. So there.

It's been so long ago! Get over it! But meanwhile I'll let everyone live rent free in my head of crazy! -KO

It doesn't surprise anyone that Betty had been up to shit, doing shitty things. BUT those who were there when all of the Dirk stalking started to come into light (and this is after KO had already been stalking him to a degree) had witnessed KO going along with Betty to do those shitty things. After enough of their shit, people did fight back. There were members who would reply to KO's stupidity with a "Go die!" or "GTFO" and all the well deserved backlash from the Dirk Benedict and Battlestar Galactica communities. But as we all know, KO loves to make excuses for her own actions as if she never stalked a celebrity.

All the crap about witches is laughable at best, but she actually thinks she had anything to do with Gordon. Psst, Gordon doesn't get involved with KO's drama. If he did, it was because she dragged his name into it. Further, Gordon isn't too big on the whole Dirk fan stuff.

Tracy had every right to bitch about the treatment the fan community was being hit with by KO. The letters? Again as a reminder, many of her letters were direct attacks against him. Character assassination didn't just reach his post office box, but KO posted in numerous boards and articles with such seething hatred against him, and would return to open fire again when others challenged her views of him.

KO would fill volumes of online blathering with calling Dirk a sexist, a racist, a radical ring-wing guy, (Hillary Clinton & Leftists tactics) and would often muse on the size of his privates, claiming he was not enough of a man of steel. Like her dildo she brought as a show-n-tell on that fateful cruise. But he was expected to stick up for her and tell everyone that she was truly just gracing everyone's presence with her oh-so-insightful opinions of him. He was confronted with demands by her to help her not be cancelled by the fans and their groups, boards, and forums while she was literally trying to have him cancelled in the public eye. Defaming and slandering him. And all for what? Because he wouldn't offer his undying love and devotion to her. She's not pretty. She's not sane. And she's not someone any man would get involved with due to the creep factor that is frankly off the charts.

KO really believed that if she spent enough money on him, the cruise, the conventions, et al, that she would finally win his hand in marriage. Or some shit like that.

Thus the mind of an obsessed whackjob like KO infested many a site, many a www hot spot that she would become notorious to a degree that blogs like this exist.

As for her "pleas" to Dirk to help her not be cancelled in fansites and by individuals who ran Dirk-related updates on his appearances, books, and other news was so beyond arrogant and insane that it caused a riff in the fabric of the universe that anyone affected by her presence would need to seek therapy for the damage of a rotten-to-the-core, evil soul that they were exposed to had caused them. I can only imagine what Dirk went through.

And for the record, Dirk did actually go to the police. Their advice was to block her in any way he could. He eventually got a very private post office box and used an alias, informing his contacts of the change and why he was forced to change his mailing address and contact name.

Dirk read all the content she posted on various Battlestar Galactica articles and pages. It's safe to say that he knew how dirty and scummy she was. Still is. I can just see him feeling a bit of well-deserved vindication when she would spew about being cancelled everywhere. He had to have gotten a smile from that. I would.

As for Betty doing shit. Yeah she did some shit. Others fought back as well. But KO will never see that she got back what she dished out.

In the end, all KO had against Dirk, or anyone for that matter was just a bag of cliché ineffective insults.

Only in death will the bitching stop...


On the bright side, KO got spammed.

A grudge against someone who begrudged the crazy KO!

This is so infantile. Again, people can talk at conventions any way they want about others. It's called free speech. The very thing KO wants all for herself, but can't stand it when others have the same right.

As for grudges... seriously? I'm more than 100% sure that all those other people KO defames in her shitty LJ have plenty of grudges against her. Namely making them listen to her defaming of strangers they never even met, and when finding out that other people were also slimed by her constant defaming of also other people not in their sphere, the peeps talking about KO at conventions was par for the course.

And gimme a break, she has posted that she hates those people. Why is she still clinging to a twisted fantasy that she should have been their #1 celebrity among them? KO is begrudging the fact, the reality that people didn't believe all her lies. That she wasn't as well-liked as she had thought. Her ego is monstrous, and sickening.

And eating dogs? That's not Kimba's fetish. That's KO's fetish. That's the kind of abuse KO would unload on anyone that wouldn't play her game.

Cannibalism or vore as it's generally referred to in online fetish contexts, is one thing KO has been into since forever. As she herself claimed more than once. You have to wonder what satanic shit her parents must have been into. Not to mention that KO is of Orc breed. Or something just as awful.

Monday, August 7, 2023

The Cray Cray Continues

 It continues. To this day. Years, even decades after her failed and disastrous cruise where she relentlessly stalked and freaked out Dirk Benedict and his fans.

Nevermind the fact that she is a hefty and overweight nutball, but the fact that she keeps trying to justify abusing people with her weird threats and esoteric statements wherein she claimed to work for the mafia and was a high ranking witch that could cast spells and was always referring to "enemies" to be destroyed one way or the other. There was never a time where she was involved with any group where she didn't speak of evil things, doing evil things, and planning to do evil things.

If all she can do is insult Kimba's weight, she's still as pathetic as she was in 2004 when she was kicked off that cruise.

This Jane person must have really ruffled Catshit's jimmies. Imagine a mentally ill woman like Catshit claiming that Jane was out to mentally harm her. What did Jane say or do? My guess would be that she didn't believe the crazy ass psycho babble that Catshit was spewing.

Another proof that being a libtard is like wearing a neon sign saying that you want to be ruled by the likes of psychopaths (like Catshit herself) but the facts are; antifa and the feds, dirty cops, and the CIA were the ones who created riots.
As for Dirk (or Trump) allowing abuse in their names, whatever Crazy, whatever.
Dirk cannot order anyone from doing anything online. Furthermore you certainly do lie.
Here are the facts:
1. YOU stalked people online, and in real life. Called their homes and not only sent threatening emails which ranged from harassment and spamming them but to actual death threats and actively engaged with others willing to go out and do harm to them. Does the name Overmyer ring any bells?
2. YOU didn't send Dirk letters asking him to stop anyone until years later when your stalking had gotten so out of hand that people began fighting back. Your letters and packages were stalker-ish and creepy and often cited Dirk's personal life as if it was any of your business.
3. YOU spent years bad-mouthing him and posting hate-filled rants at him, about him, and went out of your way to verbally abuse him online in very public posts and forums. I think I can speak for the rest of the planet when I say that Dirk ignoring your "cries for help" was the best thing he could do outside of sending you a big hearty LOL in your face, bitch!

As for Republicans sucking, yeah they do, but Democrats who actually do shit all over the streets in major Democrat-run shitholes (like your precious Detroit) sucks even worse. You suck, Catshit and you sound vaccinated. You know that you are.

You don't tell stories, you tell lies. There is a difference.

Jane, you ignorant slut. LULZ!

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Cray Cray Catshit

From the same hypocritical shit-poster Catshit comes more crazy

Hey Catshit! They couldn't care less what you say. They obviously did better than you! I mean you can't even do better than an aluminum sex-toy.

Sure, sure. It was Betty who spoofed the one guy that Catshit was already mad at for uninviting her to his bonfire weekend. It was Betty! Although it's highly unlikely that Betty even knew who the fuck Bill Putt even was!

LOL! Gordon is a drunk. So what? Who cares?

To clear things up, Nacky is not in comms with Catshit. Just simply stated that it would accomplish nothing to have her journal deleted since another one would just pop up in its place. So the paranoid rumor going around that Nacky has any connection with hacking DBC is false.
I know there are rumors circulating but this could be what Catshit wants people to think.
And Nacky does not care one way or the other as she stands by her statements about any deletion that may occur with livejournal.

Yoru [sic] medications! It's the new thing!

Isn't it weird how she talks directly to those people and then claims there's nothing there for them to read about? LOL!
Also her journal is Mental Patient Central. Belonging to one author.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Cray Cray Still Stalks People and Lies Some More

 Here we have a total psychopathic rage rant (pictured below)

Not really surprising but let's punch holes in her shit claims.
We'll start with the one she's threatened and stalked since 2004, Nacky.
When Catshit actually posted to this SAME shit journal of hers about walking past her house with a gun, naturally the police were notified. This wasn't the actions of someone who "freaked out" and called the cops. This was the action of someone wanting to alert authorities so that the crazy bitch wouldn't have an alibi had she tried to carry out her very public online threats which BTW are preserved in the multitude of screenshots here on this blogger!
See the the earliest screen captures HERE.
And BTW Livejournal will have access to entries even if the crazy bitch deleted them. If anyone doubts that, ask LJ admins.

Now let's move onto Kimba. Her hatred for Kimba is based solely on the fact that Kimba wasn't going to keep coddling her while she continually raged against all those people. The fact that she wouldn't do as Catshit demanded of her shows the total abuse that Kimba endured. Not the other way around. Kimba was being abused by Catshit with constant negative attacks against her while she silently endured to keep the group peace. But there came a breaking point.

Kimba couldn't make people stop banning her from Dirk Benedict or Battlestar Galactica related groups, but there Catshit was wanting her, and Dirk, and everyone she screamed at to make random people on the internet to stop having a negative opinion of her. While she literally attacked them day and night. What kind of twisted fuck would beg for someone (in no position of power over others) to do any manner of harm to total strangers to make her enemies shut up? To comply with the added bonus to provide her a whole group of an unwilling audience so that she could continuously lie and spread hate and propaganda about Dirk and all these people. I suspect that's exactly what she wanted out of Nacky, too. This is what Catshit REALLY means when she says "Make it stop!"
It wasn't about her stopping, she just didn't want any resistance against her toxic attacks or any backlash for her ugly and deranged actions.
Kimba, I'm sure wanted to scream:
Get the fuck away from them and stop stalking them! Stop calling them! Stop talking about them 24/7! Stop sending 20 page hate letters and demanding action against people! Stop crashing their groups! Stop creating aliases to bypass bans and blocks! Get some fucking professional help!

Next. Bad Kitty. This is someone who simply allowed Kimba's members to have access to a link where the Dirk victims of Catshit's stalking and abuse were talking. It's a SUPPORT GROUP against a very vile, nasty cunt like KO (Catshit). What Bad Kitty did was give people an opportunity to hear BOTH sides, and not just the tyrannical control freak's side. When Kimba's group members had a look into the massive backlog of hateful and threatening emails, screenshots of Catshit's accounts on other sites and social media, that took away the control that Catshit once had on Kimba's group and Kimba was released from the mental anguish of not knowing what to believe. Kimba was then wise to it. There was no going back. The truth was out there and it was laid bare for all to see. That's why you see Catshit still having a major meltdown over it.

Furthermore what the fuck did the crazy cunt think was going to happen when she chose to send hate mail, attack people's characters, and slander Dirk and his fans non-stop?

Moving along. Russ wanted a restraining order because he kept getting threatened by Catshit in posts on Kimba's group. That was a logical step for Russ to take. The judge did not "laugh" him out of court as she has repeatedly stated (lied about) numerous times before. The judge just gave him the advice to not let things like online threats go for more than a year. Which is how the law works. It was simply a matter of timing. Not because Russ didn't have a valid reason.
And yet she wonders why all these people hate her. It is truly mind-numbing how astronomically insane Kathryn Catshit really is. And she sets out to harm innocent people. Not bad people, but good people. Dirk Benedict is a good person in my estimate. He never did anything to deserve the onslaught of psycho that this bitch brought on. And look at her. A completely unhinged psychotic pos.

But all anyone has to do is look at her vile posts of the past and see how completely fucked in the head that piece of trash is.

There is so many fabrications and lies here that it's not even worth going into detail.
But let's do anyway.
Catshit stalked, threatened, and did everything she could pull out of her limited bag of tricks against people who saw right through her. Then when everything she did to others happened to her, she cried foul. That's the Karma poor Kimba spoke of. But here's Catshit trying to pretend that Karma didn't bite her in that orc like face of hers!

Still obsessed with naming everything that starts with the letter M as being Mental she should check her own shit. People far and wide call her MISERY and that starts with an M.

Now let's point to these shit nuggets that Catshit has posted, shall we?

"abuse/apology/gift cycle"
The dumb bitch literally attacked Kimba over her NOT giving her any gifts. Let alone any for Xmas. So which is it, liar KO?

"recruit people"
This never happened. No one went to any convention or any dealers room and started recruiting people to join the SUPPORT GROUP that contained a number of Catshit's victims.
What happened was Catshit wanted to use the dealer's room as a recruitment center to mass report her victims who made up the SUPPORT GROUP that she made possible herself by years of abuse that SHE dished out. Not Kimba.
When Catshit was told NO that she could not use the room for her own dubious purposes, she was so pissed off that she got upset and raised her voice. And was asked to leave. By Kimba.
 "Russ was following me around with a camera"
This is another lie. A total libelous lie. This never happened. As a matter of fact, Catshit went out of her way to BE in photographs and would often place herself right behind anyone having their picture taken. She would photo bomb people, total strangers, at conventions. Russ simply could not avoid her showing up in his photos.

Facts matter.

Also as a side note. Bill Putt hates Catshit KO and knows what she is. He also banned her from attending any of his parties and uninvited her and from then on, washed his hands of her.

In Bill Putt's own words according to a good friend of his; Kathryn is a creep!

This is just so...random. A drive-by attack.

Rent free in KO's head, as well.
Still seems hung up on Stu's dick. I suddenly feel very dirty now. That bitch forced me to talk about another man's junk! Oh the humanity!

Stu's life is better because of KO!
Who knew?
And South Park has witches! Those bastards!

Everyone got blasted here! And she's posting about stuff.
What exactly, nobody knows.

Aaand...everyone is still worked up!
Though, not really as worked up as she is.
And we have evil Egyptian goddesses to boot!

But let us make some corrections on KO's ever-growing lies.
1. Nobody from the Support Group (that KO refers to as mental patients in her classic projections) ever lured anyone in. It was KO herself that posted the link to the support group in a wild conquest to have everyone report it for supporting each other against KO's stalking and harassment.
2. It was KO who shared the link on Kimba's group and had the narcissistic view that everyone was going to jump right on it and start attacking the members and report them thereafter. That was KO's thought process. She really believed that.
But when that didn't happen, and people started to see her abuse of the same people she had been trash talking for long years, Kimba and her group saw that there were genuine people who were relating their own personal experiences with KO and saw that KO had been engaged in so much stalking and harassment in the past while crying about being such a victim of the same thing to Kimba and her group, well...it woke a lot of people up.


There are some weird threats in this one. And a whole lotta people being blamed for things that just...I'm honestly drawing a blank here. I have no idea what to make of it.
Yes, KO is too out there for normal people. Even the butler that did it, was running for his life!

Gee, Gordon, I just don't know what to say. You're flouncing, you're a shitty, snotty girl, and you need to ask about who's telling you to read CatShit...and apparently you have this need to look up a word.
Yeah, I don't know either. I'm guessing she found some drugs.

A meme that seems to be cut off in mid-sentence. Good going Einstein!

This is, obviously, Stu's fault.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Catshit Is Still Cray Cray

 Still obsessing over Dirk Benedict. I guess Paul McCartney has been let off the hook. But Dirk, she's still obsessing over him not paying her any attention after all the years she went out of her way to stalk, attack, target, and earn herself the much-deserved title of "Plague of the Internet". History reminder: This same bitch would post things like "I'll bet that gets his attention" among other things. As far as getting the fanbase to stop, it's a hysterical rewriting of history again. This is the same scummy orc lady who would not leave the fanbase alone. Actively stalking them to other sites and even to MySpace at the time, posting about burning Dirk's board members in a wicker contraption, and causing a few other people who were more public due to their large groups they ran and operated, to change their private phone numbers to unlisted because the psycho had managed to get a creep to dox them.
And isn't Stewie the deranged cartoon kid in that TV show who's always trying to harm someone? Crazy bitch.

And she got a single reply from an understandably confused LJer.
Come on, Miserable Twat, tell them the real reason you were "unpopular" like how you stalked other members, sent death threats, and doxxed them. Using their personal info to further harass them and how you went to all fandoms you could think of to further malign, attack, and spew your garbage.

Aaand there is more.

 Twitter. LOL.

Looks like she's still trippin'! Seems like Betty got the best of her LOL!

These posts show her continuing derangement.

Apparently those who "lack power" over her, seem to live rent free in her whacked out mind 24/7.

I cannot begin to describe how hilarious this one is! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Jane, you magnificent bastard! You got 7 out of 8!

It's what they get for being friends with Catshit. Weak, empty-headed, and desperate and needy enough to consider being a friend to the psychopathic KO!

Another pile of crazy. First she compares herself to an alleged suicide victim (who is probably still very much alive) and then more or less tarnishes the subject with her own arrogant narcissism. Then blaming two people for said suicide victim who obviously (if any of this is even true - we know about her claims of a Tonita on a 2004 cruise) had mental problems.

To top that off she claims her only crime is being unpopular. Whoa. Yeah but there are many who can testify to her stalking, terroristic threatening, unsolicited spamming and use of the USPS to send a celebrity long letters of rage and borderline death threats. While she sent a number of actual threats to several people in the fandom of Dirk Benedict.

And after showing once again that she cannot move on or let people be, that it must be met with hatred and defame people for being on a forum she hates, she has some nerve calling her soul "lighter". By no means is this ghoul capable of having a soul! Literally starts the new year off with the same diseased mind that she's always had.

Here's a poem:

Catshit Kathryn is a bully
Who claims others are
But it's Kathryn of shit fully
And the real mental patient by far

  The re-writing of history (she twists and lies) is so apparent here.
I personally had to inquire of some of the names mentioned here and it goes to show how Catshit's story keeps changing throughout the years.
Stu and Nacky were never on the Paul McCartney forum. So there's lie #1 (for the above screenshot)
Stu got a letter from someone associated with another forum (not McCartney's) wherein there was a screenshot of one Catshit's posts on LJ that claimed to curse those she hates and Kimba apparently was mentioned.
It was never Nacky who brought this to anyone's attention, it was someone else. Nacky wasn't involved with any group or forum surrounding Paul McCartney. So her name being brought up again is another lame attack.
Stu, from what I know from others, was never on the Paul forum either.

Her whole post rant is about Kimba and curses, she basically admits that she did wish bad things to happen to Kimba. But tries to paint such a pathetic picture of abuse that just never happened.
Why is this so-called "witch" so obsessed with Christmas anyway?

It reeks of made-up scenarios and bullshit.

Here is Catshit showing herself as the real abuser. People called her fat and ugly because she kept doing that shit to members and Dirk himself (with a long list of names, including racist remarks against her co-workers, and all kinds of abuse against humans in general) that people remember her for the scathing vitriol she'd dish out on a daily basis.
To make things clear, she stalked people and then kept attacking them. Nacky would especially note that Catshit would never stop stalking her, and that was the major complaint by a lady who is still being stalked by Catshit. Otherwise why even bring up her name?

Another throwback of those who befriended Catshit in the Dirk fanclub who were all too willing to throw anyone under the bus even when Nacky wasn't even on those forums (like the BB site) and so on, just to keep Catshit from attacking them!

BTW, Kimba was telling the truth, and weighs way less than Catshit. Facts matter!

The biggest douche and cunt, has posted again on her psycho journal.

And we have more insanity from the psycho ward of Catshit.

Still obsessed over Dirk Benedict and his fans, she proves that if she were removed from the internet that would actually cure a LOT! No more stalking, harassment, threatening people, did I mention stalking them even to the tune of doxxing and calling them? All things that Karma saw to it, had happened back at her nasty face!
As far as others "influencing" people to hate the Nazi bitch, all that cunt has to do is LOOK IN THE MIRROR! Catshit is the one who makes people fucking hate her! Her constant stupidity, her constant meanness and bullying, and her absolutely INSANE smooth brained actions and words.
The epitome of LOSER.

FTR; Bibbinut never spammed the lying sack about anything. Bibbi simply posted replies about the PLAGUE OF THE INTERNET and in her opinion that Catshit needs to be removed from the public utility once and for all. Just like any cyber terrorist who has literally held a grudge against Mr. Benedict and his fans over a CRUISE where she was rejected by him when she made unwanted advances at him and was promptly removed from the ship when it reached the closest port and was sent home.
Catshit should be damned lucky that there were no serious charges brought against her.
But Dirk Benedict himself has even said that she was a STALKER!